
Looking for a neurosurgeon in San Diego?

Scripps Affiliated Medical Groups is your source for a list of San Diego’s most advanced neurosurgeons. Neurosurgery, also known as neurological surgery, is the medical field that specializes in the surgical treatment of all types of disease or impaired function of the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, muscles, and autonomic nervous system, as well as the blood vessels that relate to these structures. Neurosurgeons often collaborate with other doctors in San Diego who specialize in neurology, neuroradiology, pain management, and orthopedic surgery, in order to comprehensively address the complex needs of patients.

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Neurosurgery To Treat Genetic Issues

Sometimes, neurosurgery is needed to correct genetic abnormalities that are causing medical issues. Some genetic problems that may be helped or corrected by neurosurgery.

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Traumatic Brain Injuries And Neurosurgery

Neurosurgeons play a key role in many hospital trauma departments. With the timely intervention of a neurosurgeon, the effects of a horrific accident on the victim can be reduced or eliminated.

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Neurosurgery And Types Of Cancer

Certain types of cancer, and cancer treatment, require the services of a neurosurgeon.

Some of the common conditions that require the treatment of a neurosurgeon include: brain tumors (including tumors of the spinal cord, skull base, and spine), pituitary tumors (and other neuroendocrine disorders such as Cushing’s syndrome), epilepsy (seizure disorder), head and spine disorders (including Parkinson’s disease, spinal disk degeneration, etc.), trauma, and pain (such as trigeminal neuralgia, causalgia, phantom limb pain, etc.).

Neurosurgeons may choose to focus their studies on one or several of the many areas of neurosurgery. Some of the most common neurosurgical subspecialties include: cerebrovascular neurosurgery (any combination of microsurgery, endovascular surgery, or radiosurgery for conditions such as aneurysms, AVMs, carotid artery stenosis, and ischemic stroke), functional neurosurgery (subspecialties include: hemifacial spasm, dystonia, idiopathic dystonia, Parkinson’s disease, spasticity, and tremor), spine and peripheral nerve surgery, pediatric neurosurgery, and radiosurgery (neurosurgeons working closely with radiation oncologists to develop advanced stereotactic radiosurgical methods and technology for treating tumors and arterionervous malformations (AVMs) of the brain, spinal cord, and spine).

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