Looking for a surgeon in San Diego?
Scripps Affiliated Medical Groups has a list of surgeons with expert knowledge in a wide range of surgical procedures, from the routine to the complex. The surgeon is a specialist physician who establishes the patient’s diagnosis and provides the preoperative, operative, and post-operative care to a surgical patient. Physicians certified under the American Board of Surgery may specialize in one of two disciplines: surgery and vascular surgery. Surgeons may complete additional training and sub-specialize in one or more of the following focuses: complex general surgical oncology, hospice and palliative medicine, pediatric surgery, surgery of the hand, and surgical critical care.
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Medicine has made many leaps forward since the beginning of the 20th century, and nowhere are those leaps more evident than in surgery. Today a surgeon’s tools are more likely to be a laser and a tiny camera than a scalpel and a needle and thread. Minimally invasive surgery can provide many benefits to patients.
Surgery Do’s And Don’ts
Having surgery is a major solution to a medical problem. There is a certain amount of risk with any surgery, and it’s important to follow the pre-operative and post-operative instructions of the surgeon to get the best results.
New Surgeries To Improve Patients’ Lives
In addition to better, less invasive surgical techniques, there are new developments in surgery that can address some medical issues that were previously difficult to treat.
General surgeons typically operate on conditions or injuries related to the abdominal area, including the stomach, liver, pancreas, esophagus, colon, and small bowel. They may also perform procedures to treat conditions involving the skin, soft tissue, hernias, and breasts. Advancements in technology have provided surgeons with new tools, including robots, allowing them to provide minimally invasive treatment which may accelerate patient recovery and rehabilitation.
Surgeons may choose to practice general surgery, or focus on the treatment of one body part, disease, or field. Some of the most common focuses include: trauma, colorectal, breast, vascular, cardiothoracic, oncologic, endocrine, transplant, and more recently, laparoscopic (minimally invasive) surgeries. Surgeons often work in multidisciplinary teams of physician specialists in order to provide the best management and/or treatment plan depending on a patient’s health condition.