Looking for a pediatrician in San Diego?
Scripps Affiliated Medical Groups has a list of doctors specializing in pediatric health. Choosing a doctor for your newborn is one of the most important decisions you will make as a new parent. During the first year alone, you will be taking your baby to see his/her pediatrician at least six times for routine checkups and immunizations alone. This doesn’t take into account unplanned visits for fevers or other ailments. It’s important to choose a pediatrician you trust and feel comfortable with. At Scripps American Medical Group we have a list of doctors to help!
Children ages o to 6 have specific routine vaccinations that are suggested by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control, to help prevent certain diseases or potential infections.
Newborn Illnesses
The first 7 days of life are when newborns are at increased risk for infections. Blood infections such as (sepsis) are extremely dangerous in young infants.
Common Cold
Catching a cold is quite common for a baby, or a young child, because they have a much less developed immune system than adults.
Pediatrics is a division of primary care that is devoted to the physical, emotional, and social health of children from birth to young adulthood. Although other physicians may also be concerned with these things, pediatricians are especially concerned with health issues relating to congenital defects, genetic variance, and developmental issues. A board-certified pediatrician may also complete additional training in one or several pediatric subspecialties, including but not limited to: allergy and immunology, cardiology, critical care, developmental and behavioral issues, infectious diseases, and neonatology.
Like family medicine and internal medicine physicians, pediatricians provide a wide array of health services ranging from preventive care to the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic diseases. Pediatricians have specialized knowledge and training in health issues and conditions pertaining to: the abdominal region, ADHD, allergies & asthma, developmental disabilities, ENT (ear, nose, & throat), emotional problems, fever, cardiology, infections, learning disabilities, and childhood obesity. Most pediatricians also provide immunizations from preventable childhood illnesses like whooping cough (pertussis), chickenpox, measles, polio, and flu (influenza). Some pediatricians provide care for injuries and emergencies such as anaphylaxis, broken bones, and burns.