What Kind of Chocolate is Good for Your Heart?
Dr. Matthew Lucks, a cardiologist at Scripps Health in San Diego, discusses the heart healthy benefits of dark chocolate….
Understanding Heart Medications
Dr. Matthew Lucks, a cardiologist at Scripps Health, offers a quick guide to heart medications, what they do and who may need them….
What Makes Scripps Heart Care Unique?
As the leading cause of death in the U.S., it’s important to know the facts about heart disease and to find the right health system to care for your heart….
Facts About Heart Disease
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. It kills 610,000 people every year — making it the cause of one in e……
Top Foods (and Drinks) for a Healthy Heart
12 Items You Should Keep on Hand for Simple, Heart-Healthy Meals: Tomatoes and Lycopene – Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Tomatoes are full of an…
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