Injury from Texting? Should we Worry?

According to Dr. Dori Cage of San Diego Hand Specialists, it may be possible to tear a tendon from the over-use of cell phones. While she would not consider it to be an epidemic, Dr. Cage has seen cases of repetitive strain injuries resulting from gaming and texting. Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) are injuries that result from repetitive movements such as typing or texting, and could have long-lasting effects if not properly treated. Medical experts stress that any repetitive movement, including spending all day on your smartphone, has the potential to cause injury. If you are experiencing pain that may be caused by texting, Dr. Cage suggests modifying your behavior. Try to limit your texting, or re-position your hands. Or how about you “actually pick up the phone and call somebody?” she jokes. As always, make sure to talk to your physician about treatment options that are best for you. For a list of Orthopaedic Specialists near you, click here.


Torn Tendon from Texting is Rule of Thumb

Phone overuse leads to repetitive stress injury

By Erin Hutkin | July 8, 2014

Not long ago, Dr. Dori Cage, a San Diego orthopedic surgeon specializing in upper extremity injuries, saw a young adult patient in her office with a possible torn tendon in the hand.

The cause of the injury? Too much time playing Candy Crush Saga.

Click here to read more… Original Post By: U-T San Diego

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