Dr. Ramiz Elias began his medical training at University of Baghdad College of Medicine before completing both internship and residency in Ohio at the Wilson Memorial Hospital. He is Board-Certified in Internal Medicine with over 35 years of medical experience.
Dr. Elias specializes in general practice and emergency medicine. He is accepting new patients in his central San Diego office.
Languages Spoken
- › English
- › Arabic
- › Spanish
Board Certifications
- › American Board of Internal Medicine
Hospital Affiliations
- › Upstate New York Medical University, MD
7695 Cardinal Court
Ste. 370
San Diego, CA, 92123
Insurances Accepted
HMO- Aetna
- Aetna Medicare Advantage
- Alignment Health Medicare Advantage
- Anthem Blue Cross
- Anthem Blue Cross Medicare Advantage
- Blue Shield of California
- Blue Shield of California Promise Medicare Advantage
- Cigna
- Health Net
- Health Net Medicare Advantage
- Humana Healthcare Advantage
- Scan Medicare Advantage
- Scripps Health Plan
- United Healthcare
- United-AARP Medicare Advantage
Need help?
Contact Ramiz N. Elias, MD for more assistance at (858) 258-9243.