Dr. Leah P Farinas received her medical degree from University of Illinois. She later completed her Residency at Louisiana State University.
Dr. Farinas specializes in General Surgery and helps her patients with a variety of surgical treatments.
Dr. Leah P. Farinas is certified by the American Board of general Surgery.
Languages Spoken
- › English
Board Certifications
- › American Board of Surgery
- › '-Louisiana State University, Residency
- › -University of Illinois, MD
6386 Alvarado Court
Ste. 330
San Diego, CA, 92120
Insurances Accepted
PPO- Aetna
- Arizona Foundation
- Beech Street
- Coventry / First Health
- Fortified Provider Network
- Galaxy Health Network
- Great-West Healthcare
- Health Management Network, Inc.
- Humana ChoiceCare
- Interplan / HealthSmart
- MultiPlan
- Pacific Foundation for Medical Care
- Pacific Health Alliance
- Prime Health Services
- Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS)
- Scripps Employee Medical Plan
- St. Paul's Eldercare
- Three Rivers
- Three Rivers (Workers' Comp)
- USA MCO (Workers' Comp)
Need help?
Contact Leah P. Farinas, MD for more assistance at (619) 313-4692.