Dr. Ilan Kuperman is a practicing family physician who began his education at Rice University in Texas, before receiving his medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Kuperman completed his residency at Memorial Hermann, the largest not-for-profit healthcare system in Texas.
Dr. Kuperman has been in practice for over 15 years, and enjoys working with patients on a personalized level to help them resolve a wide variety of medical conditions.
Practices at
Perlman ClinicLanguages Spoken
- › English
Associated Doctors
Family Medicine
Family Medicine
Family Medicine
Family Medicine
Internal Medicine
Insurances Accepted
HMO- Aetna
- Aetna Medicare Advantage
- Alignment Health Medicare Advantage
- Anthem Blue Cross
- Anthem Blue Cross Medicare Advantage
- Blue Shield of California
- Blue Shield of California Promise Medicare Advantage
- Cigna
- Health Net
- Health Net Medicare Advantage
- Humana Healthcare Advantage
- Scan Medicare Advantage
- Scripps Health Plan
- United Healthcare
- United-AARP Medicare Advantage
Need help?
Contact Ilan Kuperman, MD for more assistance at 858-864-9800.