Edward Ahn, MD specializes in Family Medicine. He first received his medical degree from the Catholic Medical College of Chongno Ku, Seoul, South Korea in 1964. Dr. Ahn has been in practice for over fifty years and treats a wide variety of conditions from acute pharyngitis to gastritis or even fractures and dislocations, as well as general family health care.
Dr. Ahn utilizes a vast number of advanced treatment options and care techniques that span from vaccine administrations to electrocardiograms and other options. He speaks both English and Korean.
Languages Spoken
- › English
- › Korean
- › Catholic Medical College, Chongno Ku, Seoul, South Korea - MD, 1964
7750 Dagget Street
Ste. 108
San Diego, CA, 92111
Insurances Accepted
HMO- Aetna
- Aetna Medicare Advantage
- Alignment Health Medicare Advantage
- Anthem Blue Cross
- Anthem Blue Cross Medicare Advantage
- Blue Shield of California
- Blue Shield of California Promise Medicare Advantage
- Cigna
- Health Net
- Health Net Medicare Advantage
- Humana Healthcare Advantage
- Scan Medicare Advantage
- Scripps Health Plan
- United Healthcare
- United-AARP Medicare Advantage
Need help?
Contact Edward Ahn, MD for more assistance at (858) 375-1076.