
De-Stress Your Life Today!

Everyone faces some type of physical or mental stress each day…

Stress can be anything from getting to work on time while stuck in traffic to that growing pile of unopened mail on your desk. However, not all stress is negative. Stress can create motivation in situations where time is limited and can enhance alertness in times of danger. Our bodies have a natural reaction to stress that can affect our behaviors and moods. When we are able to identify causes of stress and use appropriate coping techniques, we can manage our lives more effectively to avoid anxiety and possible negative health outcomes. Take charge and de-stress today with the help of these guidelines.

Remove the clutter.

This can include anything that causes unnecessary distractions. We are not always conscious of our environment, but our subconscious can be overwhelmed with impending thoughts and tasks. Clear unneeded items on your desk at work. Unsubscribe to unwanted email and respond to important emails in a timely manner. At home, gather items like clothing and appliances that have not been used for a year or more and donate them or give them friend who needs them.

Plan and organize.

Begin with realistic expectations. Instead of adding on to the mounting to-do list, remove unnecessary plans or spread them throughout a more reasonable amount of time in your calendar. When you can, pay bills all at once so you won’t have to worry about it throughout the month or sign up with auto-pay services. Avoid procrastination and give yourself enough time to complete responsibilities by creating a routine for tasks and chores. Doing this will improve your time management skills and you may find more time for yourself.

Ask for help and support.

Social support can be an enormous aid in coping with sources of stress. Asking for help from family and friends during a time of great distress can be beneficial in a number of ways.

Exercise consistently.

Studies have shown that physical activity can reduce stress, tension, and anxiety. Daily exercise can reenergize your body and mind while removing some of that collected tension from the day.


Practicing meditation daily can reduce stress and anxiety that can in turn lower heart rate and blood pressure. Even just 5-10 minutes of meditation every day can help you clear your mind and regain focus. Also, practice optimism and mindfulness to be more motivated and productive.

Get enough sleep.

This is easier said than done for many. With all the demands of our uniquely structured lives, there never seems to be enough hours in the day to meet those demands and still have time to restThe recommended amount of sleep can vary from person to person (on average about 7-9 hours) but quality of sleep also matters. Removing sounds, lights, and avoiding caffeine close to bedtime can increase sleep quality.

See your doctor.

Instead of wondering whether an ailment is serious or not, take the next step and make an appointment with a physician today. It is more sensible to get a proper diagnosis of a health concern and receive the care needed from your trusted doctor now, rather than building anxiety about a possible worsening condition.


Find the time to do the things you enjoy while clearing your mind of stressors. Take a moment in your day to unwind by reading a book in a quiet place, getting massage, or taking hot bath. Relax by listening to your favorite music, or change it up and listen to soothing music like classical, slow jazz, or nature sounds. While we cannot always avoid the stress in our lives, finding ways to deal with our stress will lead us to improved outcomes. Take note of the situations that cause you most stress and work on ways to better cope with them. Time is frequently a contributing factor to stress, but we can still take a moment to breathe and regain control of our environment. Improve your stress today and get a brighter outlook tomorrow!     References King, K. A., Vidourek, R. A., English, L. L., & Merianos, A. L. (2014). Vigorous physical activity among college students: using the health belief model to assess involvement and social support. Archives of Exercise In health & Disease, 4(2), 267-279. Meditation offers significant heart benefits. (2013). Harvard Health Letter38(10), 3. How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?. (n.d.). National Sleep Foundation. Retrieved May 4, 2014, from

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