10 Vegetarian Snacks For Less Than $5
Vegetarian meals do not have to be boring, and they certainly do not have to be expensive. One Green Planet, an “online guide to making conscious choices that help people, animals and the planet” has compiled a great list of vegetarian snacks that you can whip up for under five dollars.
10 Plant-Based Snacks That Cost Less Than 5 Dollars to Make By Alexandra Evans March 17, 2014 Maintaining a vegan lifestyle can get expensive sometimes, especially since there are so many vegan convenience foods on the market that are delicious but often pricier than their non-vegan counterparts. If you don’t have the budget to afford all organic produce or pricey raw vegan snacks at the grocery store, you can still eat cruelty-free. Though a trip to a health or organic food store can be a little pricey, it is possible to maintain a vegan diet on a budget. Foods like steel-cut oats, whole wheat flour, dry legumes, canned beans, peanuts, and corn kernels can be bought in bulk and stored for a while on the shelf. Here are 10 plant-based snacks that cost less than five dollars to make: Click here to read more… Original Post By: One Green Planet
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